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Inspiring Southern Ambiance

Southern Sky Publishing
Inspiring Southern Ambiance
Pamela Poole

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The Old Cedar Chest

Strange Sands Suspense 1

Hilton Head

An antique cedar chest. 
A h
idden panel.
A century-spanning vendetta.


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The Hidden Hallway

Strange Sands Suspense 2


An antebellum house.

A hidden hallway.

A tale of passion and revenge.


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The Freedom Staircase

Strange Sands Suspense 3


A Lowcountry plantation
A legendary patriot refuge
A last stand for freedom.


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Inspired Artistry - Embracing the Creati

"Inspired Artistry - Embracing the Creative Calling"

is the first devotional released by Southern Sky Publishing


Creativity is a unique, joyful outreach for Christians!

This insightful devotional is unlike any you've read before! Within these pages, readers explore how the imprint of our Creator makes it natural for Christians to embrace their unique gifts. Through Scripture, true stories, prayer, and study questions, readers will explore how every person born has a meaningful gift to share, contributing joy and beauty in the world. Inspired believers live higher than the corrupting influences that distort Christ's intent for our personal Inspired Artistry.

The pages of Inspired Artistry contain delightful illustrations and pages for readers to write their own "Inspired Musings." To journal and color, buy the print edition!

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Novels and Stories

Painter Place novel, Painter Place Saga Book 1, sunflower, art, ship in a bottle, ocean painting, ring on a chain, romantic letter, clean romance story
Hugo, Painter Place Saga 2, Hurricane Hugo, Christian Ficton, Southern Fiction, ship in a botle, sunflower, hurricane recovery, beach, historic hurricane aftermath
Jaguar, Painter Place Saga 3, Southen Fiction, Christian Ficton, Amazon Ranforest, sunflower, clean romance ficton, art, painting of jaguar skin, wildlife pattern
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The Castaway and the Mermaid Cover.jpg
Pamela Poole
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Hi, I'm Pamela Poole, and I live an amazing life as an artist and author! The alluring charm and distinctive characteristics of the coastal Carolinas are my creative muse, so I describe my work as "Inspiring Southern Ambiance." It is always family-friendly!

My novels and short stories in the Painter Place Saga take place on a fictional island on the coast  of South Carolina, between Charleston and Myrtle Beach. I was inspired to write Painter Place when my son encouraged me to write the kind of book I wanted to read, but couldn’t find. My original paintings are used in the covers and inside the pages of the novels, adding a unique appeal to this unusual series.

The Strange Sands Novella Series is inspired by my convictions that in American culture, we've been educated and shamed out of recognizing the Bible is true about a spiritual realm at work all around us, where the real battles are raging. The stories in this series are deep - a reader who flies through books will miss a lot! These novellas center on a main character, but she lives in the LowCountry of South Carolina and faces challenges in places like Hilton Head, Bluffton, Savannah, Beaufort, and Charleston. This series may expand away from her home base.


I write to the same audience I paint for--myself--and all my work is meant to glorify Christ (1 Corinthians 10:31, Colossians  3:17). I share with readers and art collectors, hoping they will feel as if they've taken a walk in a warm Southern breeze and the sunshine we're famous for.

My perspective on writing books and painting is like that of the iconic artist Norman Rockwell, who once said he knew life was not ideal, but it should be, so he chose to paint it that way. I hope readers will laugh out loud, sigh with longing, be inspired to reach higher, and feel refreshed when they reach the end of my novels.

I write clean fiction from an unapologetically Christian worldview and paint inspiring family-friendly scenes. My stories often feature artists and art perspectives that will help any reader have a deeper appreciation for painting.

I live life loving Jesus and my family as a wife, mother, and GiGi to my handsome grandson here on earth and his twin sister waiting on us in heaven. My hubby and I love our home in the LowCountry of South Carolina, and I wake up every day with a heart gushing in gratitude! 


Sketching, painting, and coloring soothes and heals, so I offer free coloring pages on my websites. My YouTube channel has free art demos, Inspired Art Appreciation art history education lessons, and my blogs take readers behind the scenes for insider secrets.

To get updates via email newsletters for sales on my novels, free featured downloads and giveaways, blogs and insider looks at the settings in my stories, use the form below to send me your email address. To interact on social media, I'm on LinkedIn, YouTube and BookBub.

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